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Tiny Cooling Fan Precautions noise

Date: 2015-5-23   Click: 1313 Times

We use dc "Tiny Cooling Fan" should pay attention to what matters it? Here Kooka fans to share with you:
  1. airflow disturb
 Spoiler along the path encounter airflow obstruction caused generate noise. Therefore any obstacles, particularly in the critical range of the air inlet and outlet must be avoided in order to reduce noise.
  2. The system impedance (System Impedance)
  Range between one housing air inlet and outlet of the total system impedance of 60-80%, while the greater airflow, noise is relatively higher. System impedance is higher, the greater airflow needed for cooling, so in order to minimize the noise, the system impedance must be minimized
  3. "Tiny Cooling Fan" Speed and size
  Due to the high speed fan noise greater than the low speed fan, so you should try and use low-speed fan as possible. And a larger size, low speed fan, generally, high speed fan, quieter than at the same size at the time of delivery amount of wind.
  4. Temperature
  In the "Tiny Cooling Fan" a system required for cooling air flow and temperature is inversely proportional allowed. Allowable temperature rise slightly increased, to a significant reduction in the required air flow. Therefore, if you impose the allowable limit temperature rise slightly relax, it will reduce the required amount of wind noise can also be reduced

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